5-W Club Annual Meeting
November 27, 2007
The 5-W Club annual meeting was called to order by Vice President James Miller. Others in attendance were Drew Campbell, Pete Chalk, Bill Couch, Charlie Huguley, Margaret Johns, Don Kemp, Bob McElroy, Charlie Robinson, Bill Robison, and Henry Smith.
The minutes of the 2006 meeting were read. A motion was made by Charlie Huguley, seconded by Pete Chalk, to approve the minutes, and the minutes were approved unanimously.
The financial report was presented by Secretary/Treasurer Don Kemp.The financial report was approved as presented.
There was a discussion of a trailer parked behind GeraldŐs house, and hooked up to the clubŐs electricity. James Miller will speak with him about it.
There was a discussion of the electricity being off in the boathouse. The line was hit by Margaret JohnŐs son-in-lawŐs motor home when he was there for Thanksgiving. Margaret said to let her know the cost to repair. Miller will get an estimate and ask Johns to inform her insurance company about the damage.
James Miller said that he will give Gerald a letter of things which need to be done at the house. The feeders need to be cleaned and kept in operation. Bill Couch will work with Gerald to take care of the feeder problem.
Bill Couch reminded the group about the discussion last year of a pump in the lake to help with the cost of fire insurance. He will remind Bryant Banks about it.
There was a discussion about the lack of insulation in GeraldŐs house and the high cost of heating and cooling the house. A motion was made by Bill Couch to find out the cost of insulating the home and decide if it should be insulated. The motion was seconded by Charlie Huguley and passed unanimously.
Bill Robinson moved that Miller be authorized to get an estimate on insulating the house and proceed if it falls within the budget. The motion was seconded by Huguley and passed unanimously.
Henry Smith said that the bottom three feet of siding on the boat house is rotting all the way around the boathouse. He recommends using Hardipanel to repair the boathouse. He thinks it can be done for a total cost of $4,500 to $6,000. Huguley moved, seconded by Chalk, for Smith and Miller to get bids. A motion was made by Bill Robison, seconded by Charlie Robinson, to have a $300 per member assessment to pay for the cost of repairs to the boat house and and insulating the caretakerŐs house. The motion passed unanimously.
Drew Campbell said that there needs to be better lighting around the house. Drew moved we put up dusk to dawn lights. While there was general agreement about the lighting, there was no vote on the matter.
Miller said there should be a committee to analyze the cost of operating the house and suggest a fee structure change for reservations. A motion was made by Bill Robison, seconded by Charlie Robinson, and passed unanimously.
Lake Chairman report was presented by Bill Couch. He said we should remove 1,050# of bass each year but only removed 350#. The lake was fished for bass 137 times in 2006 and only 108 times in 2007. The lake was fertilized three times beginning March 1st, then 3 weeks later, then 4 weeks later. The bream are Ňall overÓ the feeders. 655# of bream were caught in 2007, 846# in 2006. He reminded members that a small bass should never be thrown back into the lake.
Bill Robison remarked that the small lake is a great place to fish and should be taken care of.
Election of officers; James Miller was nominated and elected as president of the club. Charlie Huguley was nominated and elected as vice president. Don Kemp was nominated and elected Secretary/Treasurer. Miller appointed Charlie Robinson as house chairman and Bill Couch as lake chairman.
A motion to adjourn was made by Henry Smith, and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Don Kemp, Secretary/Treasurer