Minutes of 5-W Club Meeting
October 14, 1998
The annual meeting of the 5-W Club was called to order by President Bob McElroy. Members in attendance were Bryant Banks, Mach Burt, Pete Chalk, Bill Cobb, Leslie Edwards, Charles Huguley, Margaret Johns, Don Kemp, Bob McElroy, James Miller, Kathleen Miller, Clyde Porter, Tom Roberts, Henry Smith, and Jack Torbert.
The minutes of the last meeting were read by Secretary/Treasurer Don Kemp and were passed as read.
The Treasurer's report was presented by Don Kemp and a copy of the statement of income and expenses and the balance sheet was passed out to all of the members.
The Lake Report was presented by Dr. Bill Cobb. He reported that they were unable to get the lake dark enough until late June because the fertilizer is not working as well as it should. Dr. Cobb recommends that we "lime" the lake. There was a motion by Clyde Porter, seconded by Jack Torbert to put lime in the the lake. The motion passed unanimously. It was also recommended that we invite Dr. Jenson from Auburn to visit the 5-W and make recommendations. There was a discussion of whether to add catfish to the lake but no decision was reached.
Vice President Chalk went over the list of house repairs. He made a motion to restock the linen cabinet, seconded by James Miller and passed unanimously. Margaret Johns was appointed to inventory the needs and purchase new towels and sheets as required.
Jack Torbert recommened asking Andy White to send a letter to the caretaker to tell him what needs to be done at the house. James Miller said that a certain portion of what needs to be done is not his job. We need to tell him what his duties are.
Jack Torbert made a motion, seconded by Mach Burt that Andy White, Clyde Porter and Bobby Huguley get together and give him a list of written instructions of what his responsibilites are. Motion passed unanimously. Jack will have the list typed and send a copy to the members.
Jack Torbert went over the situation with regard to the lawsuit brought against the club by Gerald Buckhanon. He stated that we are not subject to worker's compensation laws. We are covered by liability insurance. Jack's law firm is handling the suit.
Clyde Porter said that we need new table lamps. Pete Chalk recommended that we spend up to $1,000 to put a shower in the small bathroom. This would include a second hot water heater. A motion was made by Clyde Porter, seconded by Kathleen Miller and passed unanimously to proceed with these improvements.
A motion was made by Margaret Johns, seconded by Bryant Banks, to spend any money which was left over from this project to improve the large bathroom. The motion passed.
Election of officers was held. Pete Chalk was elected President, Clyde Porter was elected Vice President, and Don Kemp was elected Secretary-Treasurer.
There was no further business and a motion to adjourn the meeting
was made by Leslie Edwards.