5-W Club Annual Meeting

October 27, 2004


The 5-W Club annual meeting was called to order by President Henry Smith. Others in attendance were Bryant Banks, Mack Burt, Pete Chalk, Bill Cobb, Don Kemp, Bob McElroy, and Charles Robinson.


The minutes of the 2003 meeting were approved as read.


Old Business


Lake chairman, Dr. Bill Cobb presented the lake report. He reported that the fish are slightly larger than last year. A motion was made by Pete Chalk, seconded by Mack Burt, that all bream and all bass up to 15Ó in length be kept. We will reevaluate this decision at the next annual meeting. The motion passed unanimously.


There was a discussion of the club rules and bylaws relating to non-member guests fishing at the lake and/or using the clubhouse when no member who invited them is present. It was the unanimous opinion of the members that this is covered in the 5-W rules and regulations, and that these rules and regulations must be followed by members and guests. The relevant sections of the rules and regulations pertaining to this matter are:


1.    D. Membership is defined as holder of membership (husband and wife). All unmarried children living with them have same club privileges.

E. Unmarried children of members (as above) using any of club facilities after 6 p.m. (dark) must be accompanied (full time of stay) by parents, no substitutions and no exceptions.

F. Member or member of family, as defined in "D" above, must be present and on the property with any guests for fishing, reservations, parties or for any purpose.

G. NO fishing permits or club privileges can be extended by a member to "other people or organizations."


Don Kemp, treasurer, presented the financial report. Mack Burt moved that the report be approved, seconded by Charles Robinson. The motion passed unanimously.


New Business


President Smith reported that he had gotten a quote from Robert Arnold Painting to paint the clubhouse. This was itemized as follows:

Painting the windows, doors, and trim                                                                       $3,400

Painting the siding                                                                                                    $ 900

Removing the paint and rust on the rails and painting with two coats of primer           $425

                                                                                                                        Total $4,725


Charles Robinson moved, seconded by Bryant Banks, that we get the painting done for the best price. The members present voted in favor. Henry Smith will poll additional members to see if a majority are in favor of the motion.


There was a discussion of the siding on the boathouse which is in need of repair. Henry will follow up on that matter. There was a discussion of installing a hood over the stove, which was approved last year. Charles Robinson will follow up on purchasing and installing the hood.


Charles Robinson moved, seconded by Pete Chalk, that we raise Gerald BuckhanonÕs pay from $300 per month to $400 per month. The motion passed unanimously.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,




Don Kemp, Secretary/Treasurer